Communication Skills Class 10 mcq 

Q1. The origin of the word communication is ____________
A) Communicate
B) Communicare
C) Compute
D) Computer
... Answer (B)

Q2. Types of words used for verbal communication?
A) Acronyms
B) Simple
C) Technical
D) Jargons
... Answer (B)

Q3. The first language which we learn or speak as a child ___________
A) Jargon
B) Dialect
C) Mother Tongue
D) Vernacular
... Answer (C)

Q4. Which of the following shows a positive facial expression?
A) Frowning while concentrating
B) Maintaining eye contact
C) Smiling continuously
D) Rolling up your eyes
... Answer (B)

Q5. By what method we can know what the receiver understood or got the message
A) transmitting
B) feedback
C) message
D) listening
... Answer (B)

Q6. What is a sentence?
A) A group of ideas.
B) A group of words that communicate a complete thought.
C) A set of rules to write correctly.
D) A set of words that is grammatically correct
... Answer (B)

Q7. Which type of word is generally not used in verbal communication.
A) Technical
B) Simple
C) Easy
D) Local Language
... Answer (A)

Q8. __________ can be presented by face
A) Gestures
B) Body Language
C) Para Language
D) Expressions
... Answer (D)

Q9. _____ are a group of words that together act as a grammatical units.
A) Imperative
B) Interrogative
C) Phrase
D) Exclamatory
... Answer (C)

Q10. Using abbreviations in communication leads to which type of communication barrier
A) Language/ Linguistic
B) Physical
C) Cultural
D) Organisational
... Answer (A)

Q11. which can be used to overcome the communication barrier
A) Using a translator
B) By writing a letter
C) Not communicating at all
D) Using your own language
... Answer (A)

Q12. Which of the following is NOT a communication barrier?
A) Linguistic barrier
B) Interpersonal barrier
C) Financial barrier
D) Organisational barrier
... Answer (C)

Q13. Straight body posture shows what?
A) Pride
B) Professionalism
C) Confidence
D) Humility
... Answer (C)

Q14. Which of the following is a positive facial expression?
A) Staring hard
B) Wrinkled forehead
C) Looking somewhere else
D) Nodding while listening
... Answer (D)

Q15. Which type of words should be used for good communication?
A) Acronyms
B) Technical
C) Jargons
D) Simple
... Answer (D)

Q16. Sending a letter is which type of communication?
A) Listening
B) Writing
C) Speaking
D) Reading
... Answer (B)

Q17. Which of the following is not an element of the communication cycle?
A) Channel
B) Receiver
C) Time
D) Sender
... Answer (C)

Q18. Written communication can be classified in which type of communication?
A) Non-verbal
B) Verbal
C) Visual
D) None of these
... Answer (B)

Q19. ......................... is the exchange of messages in the communication cycle.
A) Transmitting
B) Listening
C) Message
D) Feedback
... Answer (A)

Q20. The abilities to communicate properly are:
A) read
B) write
C) speak
D) all of these
... Answer (D)

Q21. Which of the following is an example of negative feedback?
A) You can dance better.
B) Your Dance was good but you can do better.
C) Your Dance skill is not really good. You have to practise more.
D) None of the above
... Answer (C)

Q22. ............. is not a communication barrier?
A) Language
B) Culture
C) Habits
D) Physical
... Answer (C)

Q23. The communication cycle does not include............
A) sender
B) message
C) receiver
D) programming
... Answer (D)

Q24. Which of the following is quick and clear method of communication
A) e-mail
B) notices/posters
C) face-to-face informal communication
D) business meetings
... Answer (C)

Q25. Which method is good for taking leave in the office.
A) Website
B) notices/posters
C) e-mail
D) business meetings
... Answer (C)

Q26. The word Commūnicāre means ______ in Latin.
A) to deliver
B) to share
C) to present
D) to sacrifice
... Answer (B)

Q27. To understand the message properly the receiver need to ____________ the message properly.
A) transmit
B) throw
C) listen
D) ignore
... Answer (C)

Q28. Keeping shoulders straight right and body relaxed is an example of:
A) Facial Expressions
B) Posture
C) Gesture
D) Eye contact
... Answer (B)

Q29. Aural communication is based on ...........
A) Body language
B) Language and tone of voice
C) Facial expressions
D) Listening and Hearing
... Answer (D)

Q30. Visual communication are dependent on what factors?
A) Signs, symbols and pictures
B) Text messages
C) Posture
D) Body language
... Answer (A)

Q31. What is the final step in the communication cycle?
A) Encoding

B) Decoding
C) Feedback
D) Receiving

... Answer (C)

Q32. Which type of feedback supports student development from their current level of achievement?
A) Specific Feedback
B) Descriptive Feedback
C) Non-Specific Feedback
D) None of the above
... Answer (B)

Q33. If there is the absence of feedback then it will lead to ............
A Mistrust
B) Communication Barrier
C) Interference
D) None of the above
... Answer (B)

Q34. It is a word used in place of a noun that is
A) Pronoun
B) Verb
C) Adverb
D) Preposition
... Answer (A)

Q35. A word used to express emotion and is often followed by an exclamation mack is called
A) Preposition
B) Conjunction
C) Adverb 1996
D) Interjection
... Answer (D)

Q36. Which part of the sentence contains two independent clauses joined by conjunction?
A) Compound Sentences
B) Simple Sentences
C) Complex Sentences
D) Compound-Complex Sentences
... Answer (A)

Q37. The process in which the receiver interprets and understands the message is called .............
A) Decoding
B) Encoding
C) Feedback
D) None of these
... Answer (A)

Q38. ........... is an instance of non-verbal communication.
A) A speech
B) Proximity
C) A notice
D) An e-mail
... Answer (B)

Q39. Which of the following is an example of oral communication?
A) Newspapers
B) Letters
C) Phone call
D) e-mail
... Answer (C)

Q40. “Two girls talking over a phone” – is an example of....
A) interpesonal communication
B) written communication
C) small group communication
D) public communication
... Answer (A)

Q41. Pointing finger to something is an example of.....
A) Expressions
B) Gestures
C) Body Language
D) Para Language
... Answer (B)

Q42. which of the following includes the tone, speed and volume of voice
A) Eye Contact
B) Body Language
C) Para Language
D) Gestures
... Answer (C)

Q43. Which communication method does not require any language to understand?
A) Verbal
B) Non-Verbal
C) Visual
D) None of these
... Answer (C)

Q44.Which is the suitable method to overcome communication barriers?
A) Use visuals
B) Take the help of a translator
C) Always be respectful in other’s opinion
D) All the Above
... Answer (D)

Q45. Identify the noun(s): Radhika went to the park for a picnic.
A) Radhika and picnic
B) park and picnic
C) Radhika and Park
D) went
... Answer (C)

Q46. Which one of the following is prepositions?
A) And
B) The
C) Under
D) Because
... Answer (C)

Q47. Rakesh is playing with football – Identify the verb
A) Rakesh
B) Football
C) Playing
D) None of the above
... Answer (C)

Q48. The frog jumped quickly – Identify the adverb
A) The
B) Quickly
C) jump
D) frog
... Answer (B)

Q49. Identify the Pronoun(s): Raju is a brave boy. He wen to the forest at night.
A) He
B) Raju
C) brave
D) boy
... Answer (A)

Q50........ is not a communication barrier.
A) Language
B) Culture
C) Physical
D) Habit
... Answer (D)